


By definition, light can not be contained, nor should it!    That which shows us the way and guides us through the darkness, that which provides warmth and comfort, such things were are not meant to be contained, nor should you.  Your steady hand, your wisdom at just the right moment, your compositions and creations make this world a better place to be.   The importance of solar orientation can not be stressed enough. Ones ownposition relative to the sun iscritical.  Will my shadow fall in front of or behind me.  Will I chase or be chased by my own shadow?  Will the shade from my shadow matter to anyone else? Will the weeds in the cracks in pavement not grow?  If I stand in your shadow will I be cooler?




When I take the time to stop and look at my soul, I see the holes.  It’s not so much where am I going, but what is it that I really know?   Am I walking through life with heavy or light steps, I don’t have to think about walking, but am I thinking about where I am going? How does were I’ve been affect where I’ll go?  The roads that we’ve both been walking have finally met.  Souls worn smooth,  what’s around the next corner,  has become my muse.

 My stitchinghas come loose, there’s dust and dirt in the creases and cracks…..  My journey, my long walk home, this is me coming back to you? The number on the curb, I’ll always know my way back home. So, do I look forward or back over my shoulder?  This storied stack of shoes, for only they truly know the truth.



Is this the shape of my world?  That’s what I thought about first.  It’s how the reds and browns of the earth’s soil have stained my skin.  How my sweat melts away the shape, but not the color of the dust from the road that I have traveled on this day.  What are these things that hold my life intact? --  That contain all of my goodness, my godliness,  all of my sins in one big crucible,  fused together on the horizon line,  the earth and sky have become one movement, a single gesture in time.  The sculptor’s marble has become white clouds, white nothingness filled with moisture and air. They are filled with purpose and with water. Water to quench our thirst, extinguish the flames,  wash our hands and finally to merge with our tears. These are our tears of joy, of frustration, mystery, and most importantly surrender .   Surrender is a tough lesson, we must surrender to all that we don’t know,  & to all that we want to control.  The gesture of surrender is not complete until we open our hands and heart to our faith,  to our own, deeply personal faith in all that that we know to be true and real without having ever “seen” it. 



Hello, Hello, it’s “me” are you there. You’ll never believe what just happened. I’ve been riding my bike around for hours, I don’t know what to do! Are you there? My life just changed, a part of me just got hurt, really bad! YES! I’m ok, but….I need your help. I need to hear your voice. I know that it will be ok, but I still need to hear you say it. Should I have been listening more, before it’s too late? Conversations, sounds, voices, pushing down on the buttons, “dialing your number,”…. Even though the phone is gone, you’re not. All that I really want, is to hear you sing, sing to me in the morning.  I will always hear your voice, sometimes I even confuse it with my own. Sometimes I close my eyes so I can just listen to your whispers, so I can hear my own heart. I know what to do now, but I still need to know that you are there.

…a sequence ( pushing the # buttons), a “code” that I can only talk to you, “ the phone’s ringing”…”it’s for you” the voices, the words, the sounds. Can you hear me, am I talking loud enough? A lost call, got cut off, coverage.



With all of its perfect imperfections. Imperfections that allow light to come in. That space in between me and you just got smaller, tighter, it just got better. I can now reach you to touch you. I can feel your lumps and bumps; I can see your scars. I can feel your ribs as my hands pass over your skin. The outside of you has been hurt but your heart is whole. I can see your heart in between your ribs, in the midst of you. Where did you come from? Who put together these lines in such a way? In such a way that speaks of strength and safety, beauty and grace; and yet, there are openings. Are these openings large enough for me? What is it that I can’t see? 

I am ok left with a wondering heart, I want to live a life that is full, and die wanting more!



Can shadows be cast in the midst of the flames? This light just before the sun, are they the same? Your architecture, your lines, your personal geometry, your heart, they are all safe, you were protected from the flames, the best parts of you still remain. Emotion and passion surround you, you love your life, you rule this world and all that passes through you is forever changed. We did not witness flames that day but rather the energy of you being alive and being a part of our lives.

It is not a matter of choice, you can’t help yourself but to be you, this, is the source of our warmth.  Objects and lines everywhere. Vanishing points and visions just strewn about. It about you, its about me.   Unfortunate amounts of heat and light have brought strangers together. So now, let the sea, the ocean breeze and the salt in the air cleanse this ground and make way for a new beginning. Let the rains soften the soil, and wash the ashes from our hands. Let us reach out together and put forth our vision for tomorrow.

Always hold on tightly to what you love, and may our friendship and passion for seeking out the magic in this life bless this story!